Markit is a voice-activated mobile application that records, organizes, and maps out shopping lists in the supermarket.
In response to the question, "How can you make one aspect of everyday life better?" I designed Markit as a mobile app for the grocery shopping experience from research to reflection.
Adobe Illustrator, XD, Photoshop, Keynote, Procreate, Google Forms

While many shoppers keep lists on mobile devices, there is a gap in the process between thinking of an item to buy and actually adding it to the shopping list. This results in return trips to the store and excessive time spent looking for items in the store.

Statistics and User Survey

Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics
According to U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, women are generally busier than men. Regardless of age and employment status, women spend more time doing household activities and purchasing goods and services. They also spend more time caring for others.

Online Survey Results
An online survey was also conducted. Most of the participants were women between the ages of 19 and 34 who lived with two to four people in their household. The majority of them still use old fashioned pen and paper to keep lists.

Online Survey Results
Competitive Analysis

Markit's Competitve Apps
One of the questions in the online survey asked participants which mobile apps they utilize to shop and/or track productivity. The answers varied greatly which drew the conclusion that these apps are helpful in one or two aspects of the user's journey, but there are gaps in each product that can filled in order to improve experience and save the user time.
Cozi is marketed as a productivity app that enables users to edit and share shopping lists, calendars, meal planner, etc. While there is a voice component to the shopping list, it is only through Amazon's Alexa integration. Furthermore, user reviews reflect in-app purchases of premium features prohibit users from committing to Cozi above other apps.
Ibotta is a rewards app in which users gain cash back by completing shopping-related tasks. It does not feature a voice-activated shopping list, and rather than save the user time, it generates time consuming activities for the user to complete in order to achieve rewards. For example, the user must select offers prior to shopping and then upload images of receipts after shopping to get cash back.
Store apps and online shopping apps like Publix, WalMart, and Amazon persuade the user to shop exclusively at that store. And while online shopping is growing in popularity, consumers are still going to brick and mortar stores for grocery items like fresh produce, bakery goods and refrigerated items.

CONCLUSION: There is a gap in the market for a mobile app that updates shopping lists using voice activation and maps out lists in the store.
User Personas
Based on the statistics obtained by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the administered survey, and a thorough competitive analysis, Markit's target audience is women between the ages of 26 and 36. They are mothers and caregivers, budget conscious, and active in their communities.

A voice-activated mobile app that sorts and adds items to the user's shopping list. The items are then mapped out at the store to save the user time.

Concept Sketches

Initial prototype
User Testing and Changes
User testing led to changes in the initial prototype in the following areas:
- Removed bottom toolbar and replaced it with a hamburger menu in upper left corner;
- Voice activation button placed in center of screen for easy reach with one hard;
- List items enlarged and spaced out to improve readability and quick selection.

Solution: Markit Mobile App

Louisa Goes Shopping
Louisa's route in the grocery store can easily be seen through the map as she navigates to each section. When she enters a section of the store, items from her list are highlighted. She saves time by not having to search for items, and saves money by focusing on the items on her list. Because she only shops when her cart is full, she reduces the number of visits to the store.

User flow: grocery list mapped in store

Emily adds to her list
Emily's driving the kids to school and remembers she needs apples for lunches. She uses Markit's voice-activated input to add apples to her shopping list. She doesn't need to taker her eyes off the road or her hands off of the wheel. Her activities are uninterrupted and later when she goes shopping, apples will be waiting for her on the list. She saves time running errands because she'll pick up everything she needs at the store in one trip.

User flow: voice-activated input

With so many users following hectic daily schedules, I wanted to focus on a solution that would alleviate the burden of keeping an accurate shopping list.
I would develop the voice-input user flow in more detail and conduct broader usability testing. It would be fun to test in multiple store locations and get deeper feedback on the in-store experience.